
Short-Term Medical Cannabis Benefits for Palliative Cancer Patients

Recent research published under the title “Short-Term Medical Cannabis Treatment Regimens Produced Beneficial Effects among Palliative Cancer Patients” has revealed promising results regarding the use of medical cannabis among those undergoing palliative care for cancer. The study, accessible through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), indicates significant improvements in Read more…

New Study Finds Over-the-Counter Cannabis Products Can Aid Cancer Patients in Coping with Symptoms and Chemotherapy Side Effects.

In a recent research investigation reported in Exploration in Medicine, it has been revealed that over-the-counter cannabis products can assist individuals battling cancer in effectively managing their symptoms and mitigating the adverse effects of chemotherapy. The study, conducted in Colorado, involved the assessment of 25 cancer patients who voluntarily purchased Read more…


A incerteza sobre a interação entre os canabinΓ³ides e o sistema imunolΓ³gico provoca certas dΓΊvidas no que diz respeito ao consumo da cannabis medicinal durante a imunoterapia. JΓ‘ proclamada como tratamento maravilhoso do cancro no futuro, a imunoterapia reabilita os glΓ³bulos brancos para detetar e matar o cancro dentro do Read more…